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My partner and I had the good fortune to spend Why are we called Veggies? We follow a vegetarian lifestyle. Our diet is primarily vegan, sometimes vegetarian and occasionally pescetarian. We are fortunate to live in a community which supports this lifestyle. Our favorite grocery store, New Leaf Markets, has five locations where we shop for fresh organic vegetables year round. In season their produce comes from the many small and medium-sized organic farms in our area. When we select our occasional fish treat (that's the pescetarian part), we are fortunate to choose from a variety of sustainable seafood. New Leaf does not sell unsustainable seafood. We also benefit from our year round Wednesday Farmer's Market that offers a variety of organic goodies. In the summer and fall, the booths are heaped with cornucopias of organic produce. Our community is also home to the California Certified Organic Food organization, one of the first groups in the United States to certify organic farmers. Given the vigorous local support for our lifestyle, Sally's intuitive mind spontaneously volunteered; "2 Veggies in a Volvo." Our web-master and web-mistress created the veggie colored logo. Check out Cindy's magnificent mandalas for an intuitive treat. Capturing Magical Moments We were inspired to share our travel experiences with family and friends in an online journal. Sally loves to create magical moments for our grandchildren. Her spontaneity nurtures a fluid writing style. Every couple of days, we paused to catch our breath. This gave Sally time to write and Bill time to prepare the photos and transfer our creation to the Veggie Gram website. Here are highlights from our grand adventure. Veggie Gram Menu
Continuing Our Journey When we left Copenhagen, we were about a month into our journey. After taking a break every couple of days to prepare and post the latest Veggie Gram, we realized the structured pause dampened our adventures. As much as we enjoyed sharing the trip with family and friends, we turned the balance of our travels over to The Intuitive Self. We continued through Denmark and into Germany with memorable adventures in Berlin and Frankfurt before going to Luxembourg for more extraordinary discoveries. On one intentional detour, we set out for Gorze, France where Sally had lived as a military bride in 1962. After this detour, we turned ourselves over to the fantastic museums of Paris. After pauses in the Normandy region of France, we crossed the Channel heading for England. After many adventures in and around London, we headed off to the English countryside. Continuing to Scotland, we were blessed with one spontaneous encounter after another. We concluded our three months travel with a 24 hour car ferry sail from England to Sweden in gale force seas. Now THAT was an adventure! |