Intuition Spiced Vegetarian Meal in Montreal

I'm in Montreal visiting a friend I met at the Intuition Network conference last Fall. She is a physiotherapist who creates and presents "Intuitional Development" seminars to people in the helping professions. She came by the interest because of the key role that intuition plays in her personal life as well as her therapeutic practice.

I arrived at 11:00 AM, and we didn't stop talking about intuition until 11:00 PM. We'll spend the next two days walking in Montreal's parks and gardens to continue our chats. We connected after she read the paper I submitted to Organizational Science. She confirms and affirms many of the ideas and understandings that I have about intuition. We really are on a similar wave length. It's reassuring to know that I'm not a madman jabbering in the wilderness about the intuition stuff!

My friend follows a healthy diet. We went to the Montreal open air market yesterday where there were gobs and gobs of beautiful vegetables. We loaded up and came back to prepare supper. I had a delicious large salad of red leaf lettuce garnished with fresh garlic and lemon juice. On the side, I had a generous serving of small steamed white potatoes and yellow string beans.

For dessert I had dried raisins and dates along with a cup of my favorite herbal tea. Now I could eat like that for the rest of my life! The challenge will be to take the time needed to prepare the meals. It'll be easy for me to slip back into the easy habit of picking up deli food from the Natural Food Market which has been my custom of recent months. If I can just remind myself how fine last night's meal was, that will help me stay the course.

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