61 Points Exercise | ||||||||||
The 61 points exercise is taken from Phil Nuernberger's Increasing Executive Productivity. An audiotape combining the 61 points with a 31 points preliminary exericse can be purchased from the Himalayan Institute by calling (800) 822-4547. Added emphasis appears in red, and my reactions are enclosed in a box: (Note 58) 61 Points" is a concentration exercise, and leads to the most profound level of relaxation. To do this exercise, lie in the Relaxation Posture. During this exercise, concentrate on either a blue flame or a blue star at 61 different points in or on the body. At each point, let the star or flame be as clear, as small, and as perfect as your mind will allow it to be. This chalk drawing came spontaneously as the image to use for the If you are unable to picture the star or flame, simply concentrate your attention on a point of warmth about the diameter of a pencil. Concentrate only on one point at a time for approximately twelve seconds. When first beginning to work with this exercise, you may fall asleep. Don't get discouraged, just keep practicing the exercise. Each time you begin the exercise, make a clear determination that you will stay awake throughout the entire exercise.
Lying in the relaxation posture, close your eyes and concentrate on making your breath very even, very steady, and very smooth...you are not trying to fill your lungs completely, or trying to empty them. Breathe easily and gently, letting your body do all the work for you. Your breath should be smooth and even, letting your inhalation and exhalation be smooth and even... The pressure of the flow of the breath should be even, maintaining the same flow or pressure at the end of the exhalation as you do at the beginning and in the middle. Don't allow any pauses, jerks, and shakiness in your breath. Even minimize the pause between the inhalation and the exhalation.
Now mentally scan down the body, checking for any excess muscle tension...wherever you find tension, simply release the tension in the muscles... Now using your imagination, picture your body as being a hollow reed. Breathe as if you are breathing through your toes, filling your body with breath to the crown of your head, and exhaling back down and out your toes again. Breathe easily and gently, no strain and no effort...
Again, you aren't trying to fill your lungs, or empty them completely, just an easy deep, slow and gentle breath, breathing in through the toes to the crown of your head and exhaling back down and out the toes. In your mind you can feel your whole body expanding when you inhale and contracting when you exhale, as if every cell in your body were breathing in and breathing out...easily, gently, no strain, no effort...
And now bring your attention to your mind center, the space between your two eyebrows. Picture as clearly as you can a small blue star or flame inside the space between the two eyebrows. Let the star or flame be as perfect, as small, and as clear as your mind will allow...and now at the base of the throat, the throat center, picture a small blue star or flame...
Now in the center of the right shoulder joint...in the center of the right elbow joint...in the center of the right wrist joint, a small blue star or flame, as clear and as perfect as your mind will allow...on the tip of the thumb of the right hand...on the tip of the forefinger of the right hand...on the tip of the middle finger...on the tip of the ring finger on the right hand...on the tip of the small finger, a small blue star or flame, as clear or as perfect as your mind will allow...again in the center of the right wrist joint...in the center of the right elbow joint...in the center of the right shoulder joint, a small blue star or flame...again, at the base of the throat, the throat center, visualize a small blue star or flame... Now in the center of the left shoulder joint, let the star or name illuminate the entire center of the joint...in the center of the left elbow joint...in the center of the left wrist joint...now on the tip of the thumb of the left hand...on the tip of the forefinger of the left hand...on the tip of the middle finger of the left hand...on the tip of the ring finger...and on the tip of the small finger of the left hand, a small blue star or flame, as perfect and as small as your mind will allow it to be...Again visualize the star or flame in the center of the left wrist joint...in the center of the left elbow joint...in the center of the left shoulder joint...again at the base of the throat, the throat center, a small blue star or flame...
Now visualize the star or flame in the center of the chest, between the two breasts, the heart center...on the nipple of the right breast, visualize a small blue star or flame...back again to the heart center...now on the nipple of the left breast...back again to the heart center... Now visualize the star or flame at the navel center, just behind the navel...
Now visualize a small blue star or flame just slightly up and behind the genital area ...in the center of the right hip joint, let the star or flame illuminate the entire center of the joint...in the center of the right knee joint...in the center of the right ankle joint...at the tip of the large toe of the right foot, a small blue star or flame...on the tip of the second toe...on the tip of the third or middle toe of the right foot...on the tip of the fourth toe...and on the tip of the small toe of the right foot, a small blue star or flame as clear and as perfect as your mind will allow it to be... Again, in the center of the right ankle joint...in the center of the right knee joint...in the center of the right hip joint... Now visualize a small blue star or flame just slightly up and behind the genital area...in the center of the left hip joint...in the center of the left knee joint, let the star or flame illuminate the entire joint area...in the center of the left ankle joint...at the tip of the large toe of the left foot...on the tip of the second toe...on the tip of the third toe of the left foot...on the tip of the fourth toe...and on the tip of the small toe, a small blue star or flame, as perfect and as clear as your mind will allow it to be... Again, in the center of the left ankle joint...in the center of the left knee joint...in the center of the left hip joint...and again at the genital center, a small blue star or flame...
At the navel center...at the heart center in the middle of the chest...at the throat center at the base of the throat...and in the mind center, the space between the two eyebrows, let the star or flame be as clear, as perfect, and as small as your mind will allow it to be... Now using your imagination, picture your body as being a hollow reed. Breathe as if you are breathing through your toes, filling your body with breath to the crown of the head, and exhaling back down and out your toes again. Breathe easily and gently, no strain and no effort...Again, you aren't trying to fill your lungs, or empty them completely, just an easy deep, slow and gentle breath, breathing in through the toes to the crown of your head and exhaling back down and out the toes.
In your mind, you can feel your whole body expanding when you inhale and contracting when you exhale, as if every cell in your body was breathing in and breathing out... Easily, gently, no strain, no effort... Gently wiggle your fingers and toes. Being aware of every movement - open your eyes to the palms of your hands, then gently lower your hands. Remain aware of the inner calmness and energy that flows within you, and remain calm and aware throughout the rest of the day.