Sticking to a hatha yoga routine is considered a mark of the devoted seeker. I did not achieve that degree of consistency. My searching self looked beyond what I was doing to see what I could do more effectively. As a result, my yoga routine varied as it adapted to my changing sense of development needs. Here are examples of four programs practiced at different times over a period of several years:

Neck Exercises

This routine was developed in consultation with a Ph.D. in anatomy who had extensive training in the yogic tradition. It was designed to help resolve a long standing stress pattern in my neck and shoulders. The number in parentheses indicates the number of repetitions.

One hand: Right side of head and Left side of head
  Ear to shoulder (2)
45° down and back Left (2)
45° down and back Right (2)

Hands interlocking: Forehead and Back of head
  Down - Back (2)
45° down and back Right (2)
45° down and back Left (2)

Right hand forehead - Left hand back of head: Reverse hands
  Twist in horizontal plane (2)
45° twist under the armpit Right (1)
45° twist under the armpit Left (1)

Arms and knees: Cheek on floor Right and Cheek on floor Left
  All around (2)

Hands and knees: Top of head on floor
  Rotate left (1)
Rotate right (1)

Shoulder under body on the floor Right and
Shoulder under body on the floor Left
  Roll and stretch pointing leg describing circle (2)

Shoulder Stand
  Head to left and to right (2)

Fish posture
  Head to left and to right (2)

Yoga Routine I

I selected this series of exercises from ones I learned attending yoga classes at an ashram where I spent part of one summer. The "M" and "E" codes stand respectively for Morning and Evening while the "*" denotes an exercise included in the short program when time did not permit the full sequence.

Floor with Stool
  E - Forehead, temple and jaw massage
E - Eye movements diagonal and circular *
M - Neck rolls left and right *
M - One hand side of head
M - Hands interlocking on forehead and back of head
M - One hand forehead with other hand back of head
M - Arms and knees with cheek on floor
E - Hands and knees with top of head on floor
E - Lion pose
E - Cat stretch

  E - Simple standing posture *
M - Shoulder rotations
M - Horizontal arm swings
E - Overhead stretch
E - Side stretch
E - Simple back stretch
M - Forward hanging stretch
M - Ankles and feet
E - One legged stand *
M - Leg kicks

Floor without Stool
  M - Squatting leg twist
E - Leg cradles *
M - Hand to toe stretch
E - Cobra
E - Shoulder under body *
M - Shoulder Stand
E - Fish posture
E - Twisting posture
M - Knees to chest *
M & E - Child's posture

  M - Crocodile
M & E - Dead man's pose - 61 points or M & E - 31 points *

Yoga Routine II

This sequence evolved from the preceding program as I sensed the direction my body wanted me to go with the exercises. If I listened to my body's sense of knowing, it told me which exercises were needed for my physical and mental circumstances. The Sanskrit name is included in parentheses for some of the exercises.

  Prayers and Affirmations

  Shining the Skull (kapalabhati)
Solar Power (agni sara)
Sun Salutation (surya namaskara)

  Side Stretch
Triangle (trikonasana)
Tree (vrikshasana)

  Eye Rotations
Ear to Shoulder (with chin twist up)
Neck Rotations

  Plow (halasana)
Shoulder Stand (sarvangasana)
Half Fish (ardha matsyasana)
Knees to Chest

  Sandbag Breathing
Crocodile (makarasana)
Child's Posture (balasana)

  Alternate Nostril Breathing (nadi shodhanam)
Sweeping Breath
Corpse (shavasana) 61 Points (morning)
Corpse (shavasana) Deep Relaxation (afternoon)

  Meditation (breath, chakra, mantra) (10-20 minutes)

Blockage Yoga

Here are my most recent exercises that combine elements of yoga and bodywork to uniquely address my personal stress pattern. After each exercise, I complete a round of six "letting gos" to allow a wave of full relaxation to wash over my entire body.

Exercise Posture Count
Head Drop Face up on the bed 6 to 12 count
Head Lift Face down on floor 6 count - 3 times
Cobra Lift Ditto Ditto
Alternate Nostril Breathing Face up on floor
Close active first
24 count out-in
Using sandbag
Jaw Pull Meditation stool 6 count - 3 times
Turkey Neck Ditto 6 count
Lateral Jaw Ditto 6 count
Wide Mouth Lion Ditto 6 count
Shoulder Shrug Ditto 6 count
Eye Rolls Ditto 6 count
Mandala Gaze Ditto 24 to 48 count
Run the Channel Ditto 13 count - Sun
Run the Channel Relaxation posture 13 count - Moon
Full Yogic Breadth Child's posture 6 count
Prayers Prostration pose 6 count